
"Sneezing, itching, coughing and rashes: Allergies, excessive reactions of the immune system to normally harmless or harmless substances (allergens), are on the rise. Almost one in five people suffer from them today. Allergies can occur at any time and at any age. The reaction to an allergen can vary and often depends on how the harmless substance is absorbed. Allergens can be absorbed through the nose, skin and mouth or injected directly into the bloodstream."

Dr. med. Intan Pramono, physician
Dr. med. Intan Pramono, physician

Allergies symptoms

An allergic reaction can range from a mild skin reaction to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

The possible symptoms can affect different parts of the body:

  • Sneeze
  • Itching
  • Cough
  • Redness of the skin
  • Rashes on the skin
  • A runny or stuffy nose
  • Reddened, watery and swollen eyes
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough and shortness of breath, similar to asthma
  • General complaints such as headaches and fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting

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Allergies causes

The development of allergies is influenced by various factors, including genetic and non-genetic factors.

Genetic factors

  •  Among the genetic factors, predispositions to excessive antibody formation or reduced formation of regulatory T cells play a role. Children whose parents are allergic have an increased risk of developing an allergy themselves.

Non-genetic factors

  • Non-genetic factors may include excessive hygiene, increased exposure to allergens, stress, and impaired skin barrier functions. Diet and food intolerances can also trigger allergies.

Allergies treatment

If allergies are suspected, extensive investigations should be carried out to identify the exact triggers. Various tests such as the prick test, epicutaneous test and blood tests are available for this purpose. The results of these tests make it possible to determine appropriate treatment methods.

Depending on the severity of the allergy, various treatment options can be considered. Immunotherapy (hyposensitization) can help to reduce the overreaction of the immune system. In addition, an adapted lifestyle, such as avoiding certain allergens or using mite-proof bedding, can help to avoid adverse reactions.

Research methods

  • At Prick test extracts of the most common allergens are applied to the skin with a small prick, must then act for 20 minutes and can then be read directly. If an allergy is present, your doctor will then discuss which treatments are possible and useful.
  • At Epicutaneous test patches with various substances are applied to the back and possible allergies are determined. The patches are applied on a Monday or Tuesday and removed again in the practice two days later. One day later, the doctor can read off the reaction and, if necessary, issue an allergy card. This is how you find out which substances you should avoid at all costs
  • We carry computerized skin measurements in eczema to quantify TEWL (transepidermal waterloss) - the skin's inability to retain water.
  • With the help of Blood tests  specific antibodies of a large number of individual substances can be detected in the case of severe symptoms or unclear findings.
Frequently asked questions

Allergies Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most effective allergy treatments?

A distinction must be made here between relieving acute symptoms and desensitizing the body to certain allergens. Modern antihistamines work very successfully against the symptoms of hay fever and have hardly any side effects such as fatigue. They can be taken unproblematically even by small children and also in the long term. Contact allergies such as to nickel, preservatives or dyes cannot be cured. Here one must stay away from these substances.

How quickly will I experience relief?

Hay fever remedies act very quickly. Usually they are taken only once a day.
Further information

Further information

Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva
Dust mite allergy
Dr. med. Mareike Prinz

Further information

Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva
Dust mite allergy
Dr. med. Mareike Prinz