
"In the case of injuries that extend into the middle layer of the skin - the dermis - scar tissue remains, which consists of rigid collagen fibers and is also visually different from the surrounding skin. This is a protective mechanism to prevent potential infections. However, what is often forgotten under this optical aspect is that the function of the connective tissue and the lower tissue layers are massively disrupted by a scar and this lack of flexibility can lead to a blockage in the tissue. Careful scar treatment therefore makes sense both aesthetically and medically."

Dr. med. (LT) Konstantin Wilhelm, physician
Dr. med. (LT) Konstantin Wilhelm, physician

Scars symptoms

Unfortunately, scars do not always heal as desired. The undesirable "marks" on the skin can take the form of scars and can be of different types:

  • Hypertrophic scars are red and bulging. They are caused by a long and persistent inflammatory reaction, which in turn leads to an overproduction of connective tissue and collagen. These scars affect the upper layers of the skin, but not the epidermis.
  • Atrophic scarswhich show dimple-like indentations, often occur as a result of a Acne disease appear. These scars occur when wound healing is impaired and the replacement tissue in the lower layer is insufficient.
  • Keloids scars are those which grow far beyond the original injury. They are red and dark in color and are the result of excessive connective tissue production by the body. Unfortunately, laser treatment is not helpful in this case, instead the doctor has soft X-ray therapy.

Scar tissue after a deeper skin injury could be described as "second skin". This differs from normal skin primarily in terms of its structure. While healthy skin consists of crossed fibers, these are parallel to each other in scar tissue, which is why the latter is less elastic. Furthermore, scar tissue lacks important components such as hair, sebaceous and sweat glands and melanocytes. This means that it cannot provide itself with sufficient moisture.

These differences from normal skin can cause the affected person to experience symptoms such as pain, itching, a feeling of tightness, and increased sensitivity to sunlight. In the worst case, mobility becomes limited.

Besides, as already mentioned, scars are also an aesthetic problem, especially since they can develop and change years after they were formed. Therefore, scar care is important and there are several ways to remove scars.

Photos and videos


Scars causes

Scars are a natural consequence of the wound healing process and occur when the deeper layers of the skin, especially the dermis, are injured. They are the visible sign that your body has worked hard to repair damage, yet they can be undesirable and bothersome. Here are some of the most common causes of scars:

  • Surgical interventions
    Surgery is one of the most common causes of scars. Although doctors do their best to make the incision as small and clean as possible, any surgery that penetrates the dermis leaves a scar.
  • Accidents and injuries
    Whether it's a fall while cycling or a cut while cooking, any type of skin injury can result in a scar. The type of scar depends on the severity and type of injury.
  • Burns
    Whether from fire, hot liquids, or severe sun exposure, burns can cause significant damage to the skin and result in scars. Depending on the severity of the burn, these scars can be very pronounced.
  • Acne and other skin diseases
    Acne, chicken pox, shingles and other skin diseases can leave scars, especially if they are not treated properly or if you scratch the skin lesions.
  • Keloids
    This is a special type of scar that occurs when the body produces too much collagen after an injury. Keloids often grow beyond the original wound area and can continue to grow without treatment.
  • Self-inflicted wounds
    Unfortunately, self-inflicted wounds such as cuts or burns can also leave scars. It is important to seek professional help in such situations.

The good news is that there are a variety of treatment options available today to improve or even remove the appearance of scars. From topical creams to laser treatments to surgical procedures, there is a suitable treatment for almost every type of scar. As always, it is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the best course of action for your particular situation.


Scars treatment

Depending on the type of scar, the right therapy method must be used so that an optimal result is achieved through regular regeneration of the skin. Different types of lasers or radiofrequency are used, in individual cases also fillers or surgical interventions.

Laser and light treatments

  • The CO2 Laser has proven itself in our company especially for hardened scars. By inducing the natural wound healing process, healthy new collagen is formed after treatment, i.e. skin renewal occurs. Repigmentation is also possible.


  • With Hyaluronic acid filler sunken scars can be filled. The result remains for about eight months and can be repeated as often as desired. Such treatment is especially effective for atrophic scars, where the replacement tissue in the lower layer is missing.

Other treatments

  • At the AWT treatment bundled sound waves - also called shock waves - are used not only for the treatment of cellulite but also for hypertrophic and keloid scars and burn scars. This decreases the thickness and redness of hypertrophic scars and improves elasticity. This can help to support scar maturation.
  • Infini works with a targeted intradermal radiofrequency delivery through the finest gold-plated needles, which allows the stimulation of collagen in the depth of the dermis, protecting the epidermis from thermal damage. A safe and highly effective technology, which is also suitable for dark skin types. We use this method especially for sunken scars and for patients prone to pigmentation disorders.
  • The scar tissue is treated by the Radiofrequency therapy (eMatrix) smoother and more elastic. Striae and wide scars become narrower and blend in with the skin tone. A safe and effective technology for all skin types. We use it especially for red scars and the desire to reduce pore size.
  • In case of disturbing scars, surgery can also be considered. The scars can be surgically excised and nicely sutured again. In case of excessive scarring, preventive prophylactic additional treatments must be carried out (e.g. pressure bandages, cortisone, silicone bandages or radiation).

However, every rule has its exceptions, and therefore it is important to seek individual consultation with your doctor before starting any scar removal treatment. Proper scar care also plays an important role in the treatment.

Frequently asked questions

Scars Frequently Asked Questions

How can professional scar therapy improve the appearance of a scar?

For scar therapy, we use different fractionated laser systems at Hautwerk, depending on the type of scar and the patient's skin type. With this, it is possible to lighten reddened scars, soften hardened scars, even out sunken scars, etc. The treatments are performed once a month, because it is necessary to wait for the regeneration phase injected by the treatment.

What can I expect during scar treatment?

After the treatment, the scar is always red and swollen at first. The effect becomes visible only in the following two to four weeks.

Is there any downtime with scar treatments, and how soon can I expect results?

Although the scar treatment leads to a visible reddening, there is no real downtime, but care must be taken that the lasered scar is not exposed to sunlight for at least a week.

What distinguishes our scar treatments and why should I choose your clinic for my skin care?

Hautwerk has the most modern technologies and the largest range of different fractionated systems in Switzerland. This means that the optimal procedure can be selected for every scar.
Further information

Further information

Acoustic Wave Therapy for the Treatment of Extensive Scar Fields: A Case Report.
Rümmelein, B./Koceva, I. / Case Reports in Dermatology 2022:14, 264-268.
Hypertrophic scars after mishandling of Mollusca contagiosa.
Milia-Argyti, A./Navarini, A./Rümmelein, B. / Practical Dermatology Derm, issue 5/2019, 518-522.
Unsightly scars.
Rümmelein, B.: Baumann Conzett, K. / SZD 2/2014
Treat cellulite and scars with AWT
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein
Keloid treatment
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein
Unsightly scars
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva

Further information

Acoustic Wave Therapy for the Treatment of Extensive Scar Fields: A Case Report.
Rümmelein, B./Koceva, I. / Case Reports in Dermatology 2022:14, 264-268.
Hypertrophic scars after mishandling of Mollusca contagiosa.
Milia-Argyti, A./Navarini, A./Rümmelein, B. / Practical Dermatology Derm, issue 5/2019, 518-522.
Unsightly scars.
Rümmelein, B.: Baumann Conzett, K. / SZD 2/2014
Treat cellulite and scars with AWT
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein
Keloid treatment
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein
Unsightly scars
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva