Volume loss of the lips

"When we talk about a loss of lip volume, we are referring to an age-related loss of fullness in the lips. The lips become thinner, wrinkled and lose their plump consistency. As full and firm lips are a sign of youth, the loss of volume can be perceived as aesthetically unpleasant. Some people also have very thin lips by nature. Treatment with a hyaluronic filler can provide a remedy. We will give you aesthetic advice on this."

Firat Aslanel, physician
Firat Aslanel, physician

Loss of volume of the lips symptoms

From our mid-30s, we produce less hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin and thus also the lips lose moisture and volume. Some people already have very narrow or even asymmetrical lips from a young age, which look disproportionate in their face.


Loss of volume of the lips causes

The reason for the loss of volume of the lips is natural aging. Due to the aging process, the hyaluron content of the skin decreases and it can store less water. This also leads to the fact that the lips can dry out faster and appear brittle. The connective tissue continuously loses stability. All these factors lead to an increased formation of small wrinkles on the lips and around the mouth.

The aging process of the skin and thus also the loss of volume of the lips can additionally be influenced by various external factors. Behaviors such as smoking, an unhealthy diet and increased UV radiation can accelerate aging processes and should be avoided.


Volume loss of lips treatment

With the well-tolerated, natural Hyaluronic acid fillers one can compensate for this deficiency. The desired result is built up slowly. Too much can be too much and you can always inject more. We will be happy to advise you here.

The lip should be protected with sunscreen lipsticks from a young age.

Further information

Further information

Current therapy options: Beautification of the lip region.
Aslanel, F. / Aesthetic dermatology skinMAG, Issue 3/22: 20-22
Our lips shape our entire impression
Firat Aslanel

Further information

Current therapy options: Beautification of the lip region.
Aslanel, F. / Aesthetic dermatology skinMAG, Issue 3/22: 20-22
Our lips shape our entire impression
Firat Aslanel