No, of course, it is not so. Modern medicine has effective drugs to defeat a fungal disease. Unfortunately, this therapy often forgets the sanitation of the environment, because shoes and stockings are also diseased and must be treated.
A fungal infection of the feet causes itching and scaling of the skin, especially between the toes, but also on the edges of the foot. In advanced cases, the entire foot is affected and The nails can also become infected. You can't wash away a fungus and it won't go away on its own over time. You have to take action and fight it consistently.

Effective for this are antifungal creams, but accompanying therapy is also extremely important. important. The first rule is to keep the skin on the feet as dry as possible. dry. Yeast fungi love a warm and humid climate and therefore they like to settle like to settle in skin folds and in the space between the toes. Therefore pay attention wear particularly breathable shoes and dry your feet thoroughly after showering. feet thoroughly after showering. The use of a hair dryer can also be be very useful here.
Make sure Be sure to use a separate towel for the diseased skin. To save laundry kitchen roll can be used for drying and a hair dryer for thorough drying afterwards. for thorough drying afterwards. Do not rub the skin too much, because it is already already attacked by the fungus.
If you sweaty feet, change your socks again when you get home. when you get home. The towels and the socks should be washed with a hygienic rinser against against fungi, so that they are free of germs after washing and the patient does not get the patient does not reinfect himself from his own laundry.
There are also special disinfecting sprays for the shoes, which must not be worn barefoot during the infection, which we strongly recommend. Always dry and air shoes thoroughly. The following applies to fungal infections: Consistent therapy leads to success!