Hair removal

Explained: Laser hair removal in the genital area

Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein February 6, 2024

The Laser hair removal in the genital area is an extremely popular method of permanently removing unwanted body hair. This technique offers numerous benefits, including speed, long-lasting results and less pain compared to traditional methods such as waxing or shaving. In this in-depth article, we will detail how laser hair removal works, how you can prepare for it, what to expect during and after treatment, and how to choose the right provider.

Which areas can be treated?

Laser hair removal in the genital area can be carried out in various regions, including:

  • Bikini line: This removes unwanted hair around the bikini line.
  • Brazilian waxing: For a complete removal of pubic hair.
  • Armpits: For long-lasting removal of annoying underarm hair.
  • Other areas of the body: This method can also be used on other areas of the body such as the arms or legs to reduce unwanted hair.

The treatment options for long-lasting hair removal vary depending on the underlying problems and needs of the patient. People opt for laser hair removal for a variety of reasons, whether for aesthetic or medical indications.

Aesthetic indications

Excessive hair growth (hypertrichosis):

This affects both men and women and can affect different areas of the body, including the face, underarms, back, legs and bikini line. For many people, excessive hair growth is not only a cosmetic problem, but can also significantly affect self-confidence. Laser hair removal offers an effective solution to remove unwanted hair in the long term.

Discomfort caused by conventional hair removal methods:

Many people opt for laser hair removal to reduce the inconvenience and time associated with regular shaving, waxing or plucking. These traditional methods are often painful, time-consuming and need to be repeated regularly. Laser hair removal offers a time-saving and long-lasting solution.

Medical indications


This is a condition characterized by excessive hair growth on the face and body in women in the pattern of male pattern hair growth. Hirsutism can be a result of hormonal imbalances and can lead to significant psychosocial distress. Laser hair removal can help to reduce excessive hair growth and restore the self-confidence of affected women.

Hair-related skin problems:

Some people may experience repeated inflammation or infection in hair follicles (folliculitis). In these cases, laser hair removal can help to relieve the inflammation and prevent future problems. The targeted removal of hair from the affected areas can help to soothe the skin and reduce discomfort.

Acne inversa:

This is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition characterized by recurrent, painful abscesses and fistulas, especially in areas where hair follicles are located, for example in the armpits or groin area. Laser hair removal can help to alleviate the symptoms and prevent the recurrence of the condition. The targeted removal of hair from the affected areas minimizes friction and inflammation.

It is important to note that laser hair removal may be covered by health insurance for some of these indications, particularly hormonal disorders or inflammatory hair organ diseases such as acne inversa. Please bring all relevant medical documents and findings from previous examinations and treatments to the consultation to clarify whether costs can be covered. The choice of laser hair removal for medical reasons should always be made in consultation with a qualified specialist to ensure the best possible treatment.

Advantages of laser hair removal in the genital area

Laser hair removal in the genital area offers a number of advantages:

  1. Speed: The treatment is usually quick and efficient. Smaller areas such as the bikini line can be treated in just a few minutes.
  2. Permanence: In contrast to temporary solutions such as shaving or waxing, laser hair removal offers long-lasting or even permanent results.
  3. Low pain: Most people find laser hair removal less painful compared to other methods such as waxing.
  4. Improved hygiene: The absence of hair in certain areas can improve hygiene and reduce the risk of skin irritation.
  5. Reduced skin irritation: Compared to shaving, there is less skin irritation after laser hair removal, such as ingrown hairs or razor burn.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal is based on the use of laser beams that penetrate the skin and target the pigments in the hair. These laser beams heat the hair follicles and scorch the hair. The key to this procedure is that the hairs that are in the growth phase and therefore connected to the hair root are damaged the most. This not only damages the visible hair, but also the surrounding cells that supply the hair. As a result, the hair root is destroyed and the possibility of new hair growth is significantly reduced.

It is important to note that only about 20% of hair can be removed in each session, as the hairs are in different stages of growth. Therefore, several sessions are required to achieve optimal results. The number of sessions required may vary depending on the hair type and the area to be treated. As a rule, most people require 3 to 10 sessions to achieve lasting results. Patients with hormonal disorders or heavy hair growth may also require regular top-up treatments.

The effectiveness of laser hair removal depends on the color of the hair and skin. Darker hair absorbs the laser energy better, while light-colored hair can be treated less effectively. For this reason, laser hair removal is most effective for people with dark hair and light skin.

Preparation for laser hair removal in the genital area

Thorough preparation before laser hair removal is crucial to achieve the best results and minimize potential side effects. Here are some important steps to consider before your treatment:

  1. Shaving: The area of skin to be treated should be carefully shaved before you come in for treatment. This allows the laser to target the hair follicles directly without disturbing hair on the surface of the skin.
  2. Avoid other hair removal methods: Avoid methods such as waxing or plucking for at least three weeks before treatment and between sessions, as these leave the hair roots intact, which can make laser hair removal less effective.
  3. Avoid sun exposure and self-tanning products: In the two weeks before treatment, you should avoid sun exposure and the use of self-tanning products, as tanned skin can react more sensitively to laser light.

What can you expect during the laser hair removal session?

The process of a laser hair removal session is usually straightforward and well-tolerated. Here's what you can expect during your treatment:

  1. Preparation: Your laser therapist will carefully prepare the area to be treated. This may include the application of an anesthetic cream, although many people tolerate the treatment well without anesthetic.
  2. Laser treatment: The laser therapist guides the laser over the area to be treated. You will feel laser pulses, which are often described as slightly unpleasant but are usually well tolerated.
  3. Conclusion: At the end of the treatment, the skin is cleansed and a soothing cream is applied.

Aftercare and repetition of treatment

After laser hair removal in the genital area, it is important to follow proper aftercare to avoid possible complications. Here are some steps you should follow after your treatment:

  • Avoid exposure to the sun: Direct sun exposure should be avoided for two weeks before and after treatment. If you go outside, be sure to apply sunscreen with SPF 50 to protect your skin.
  • Avoid tight clothing: Wear loose clothing to minimize friction and irritation in the treated area.
  • Avoid other hair removal methods: Avoid waxing or plucking for at least three weeks before the treatment and between sessions.

The number of sessions required depends on your skin type, hair color and the region being treated. For facial hair removal, the recommended interval between sessions is usually 4 weeks, while for other areas of the body it can be 8-12 weeks.

How do you choose the right provider for laser hair removal in the genital area?

Choosing an experienced provider is crucial to ensure the best results and your safety. Here are some tips for choosing the right provider:

  • Certification and experience: Make sure the provider is certified and experienced in laser hair removal.
  • Consultation: A reputable provider will offer a consultation to assess your needs and create a customized treatment plan to rule out or treat medical conditions.
  • Reviews and references: Read reviews and search for references to find out what other customers say about the provider.
  • Device quality: Inquire about the laser devices used. A high-quality, modern device is a sign of professional standards.


Laser hair removal in the genital area is an effective and long-lasting method of permanently removing annoying hair in sensitive areas. With the right preparatory measures, experienced treatment and appropriate aftercare, you can achieve the best results. If you are looking for a smooth and hair-free intimate area, laser hair removal may be the perfect solution for you. Schedule a consultation with an experienced provider to discuss your needs and create your customized treatment plan. Take the first step towards a hair-free future!