Psoriasis or colloquially psoriasis affects 2% of the population. In this common skin disease there is the so-called Köbner phenomenon, which describes that it can provoke new psoriasis lesions after mechanical or other irritation of the skin. The pricking of a tattoo is also a mechanical irritation of the skin. In Switzerland there are about 2000 tattoo stores, where tattoos are done from morning to night, and the number is increasing. Are tattoos dangerous for psoriasis patients?

Psoriasis is an acute or chronic skin disease that can occur in any age group. It is characterized by sharply defined plaques on the skin that are accentuated on the extensor side, although the joints can also be affected in 30%. Psoriasis is caused by various factors such as genetic predisposition, various medications (e.g. beta blockers) and mechanical trauma. The Köbner phenomenon (also known as the isomorphic stimulus effect) was described by Heinrich Köbner in 1872. Various diseases are cited for the occurrence of this phenomenon. Examples include psoriasis, Vitiligolichen planus or lichen nitidus, with psoriasis being the prime example. The question now is whether a mechanical stimulus such as a tattoo is a serious risk for psoriasis patients.
A study was carried out in various European countries to investigate the effect of tattoos on people with psoriasis. The data collected from many dermatologists showed that only 6.6% of psoriasis patients had problems after a tattoo. No one had serious problems. We also researched our own patient file (approx. 19,000 patients) and could not find any psoriasis patients with the Köbner phenomenon after a tattoo. Even with Tattoo removals No patients with psoriasis and Köbner phenomenon could be identified by laser treatment (thermal stimulus).
Why a clear mechanical (pricking a tattoo) or thermal (tattoo removal) stimulus does not trigger a Köbner effect in psoriasis patients is unclear. Thus, we conclude that psoriasis patients can probably get a tattoo or have it removed by laser without worries and serious side effects.