Age spots

What do age spots look like?

Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein November 3, 2023 Read 5 min


Age spots, also known as lentigines, are benign pigment disorders of the skin that increasingly appear after the age of 40. Like freckles and moles, they belong to the Pigment spots and can affect different areas of the body, including the back of the hands, forearms and especially the face. In this article we will focus on Age spots on the face and discuss everything worth knowing about their causes, characteristics, prevention and treatment.

Let's first define what age spots are. Age spots are flat, well-defined skin lesions that can range in color from light to dark brown. They are caused by the accumulation of melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its color. In contrast to moles, age spots are usually flat and do not have a raised surface.

Age spots often appear on the face and can be perceived as aesthetically unpleasant due to their conspicuous location. Many people are looking for ways to get rid of age spots or reduce their appearance. However, before we look at the treatment options, let's take a look at the causes of age spots on the face.

Causes of age spots on the face

The main cause of age spots on the face is excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, sunlight or tanning beds. UV radiation stimulates the production of melanin in the skin as a protective mechanism against the harmful effects of the sun. However, excessive sun exposure can lead to excessive production of melanin, which can lead to pigment deposits and the development of age spots.

The natural ageing process also plays a role. With increasing age, the activity of melanocytes, the cells responsible for the production of melanin, decreases. This can lead to an uneven distribution of melanin in the skin and increase the risk of age spots developing.

Characteristics of age spots on the face

To better understand age spots on the face, we look at their physical characteristics, their typical location and their distinguishing features compared to other skin changes.

Appearance: Age spots on the face usually have a flat, well-defined shape and appear in various shades of brown, from light to dark brown. They can also be slightly gray or black in color. Their size usually varies from a few millimeters to a few centimeters in diameter.

Location: Age spots usually appear on areas of the face that are frequently exposed to the sun. These include the forehead, cheeks, nose, upper lip area and chin. The distribution of age spots can vary from person to person, depending on individual sun exposure.

Distinguishing features: Age spots on the face can be confused with other skin changes such as freckles, moles or even skin cancer. Unlike freckles, which usually appear in young people and intensify with sun exposure, age spots typically appear in older people and are the result of many years of sun exposure. Compared to moles, age spots have a flatter surface and are usually larger. If skin cancer is suspected, it is important to see a dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis.

What helps with age spots on the face?

Now that the causes and characteristics of age spots on the face are known, let's look at ways to prevent age spots and reduce their appearance.

  • Daily application of a moisturizer with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30: A good sun protection routine is crucial to prevent the development of age spots. Use a moisturizer with a built-in SPF and apply it to your face daily, even on cloudy days.
  • Wear hats/caps and sunglasses: Protect your face from direct sunlight by wearing hats or caps that cover your head and face. Also use sunglasses with UV protection to protect your eye area.
  • Limit sun exposure: Avoid excessive sun exposure, especially during peak hours when UV radiation is strongest (usually 10 am - 4 pm). Seek shade or use sunscreen when spending long periods outdoors.
  • Healthy diet and adequate hydration: A balanced diet with plenty of antioxidants can contribute to the health of your skin. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Also make sure you stay hydrated to keep your skin moisturized.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking can accelerate skin ageing and increase the risk of developing age spots.

Removal of age spots on the face

There are various ways to remove age spots on the face. One of these is bleaching creams that contain special ingredients to reduce the pigmentation of the spots. However, it is important to use high quality creams and seek advice from a dermatologist to avoid possible side effects.

Another effective method for removing age spots on the face is laser treatment. Lasers can emit high-energy light that targets and destroys pigment cells while leaving surrounding tissue undamaged. There are different types of lasers that can be used to treat age spots, such as the Spectra-laser and the pico laser. These laser procedures are generally safe and effective. In most cases, only one or two sessions are required.


In this article, we have looked at age spots on the face, their causes, characteristics, preventative measures and treatment options. Age spots are benign pigmentation disorders of the skin caused by excessive sun exposure and the natural ageing process. They often appear on the face and can be perceived as disturbing due to their conspicuous appearance.

There are various ways to prevent age spots, such as using sunscreen, wearing hats/caps and leading a healthy lifestyle. For existing age spots, whitening creams or laser treatments can be an effective solution. However, it is advisable to visit a dermatology practice for an accurate diagnosis and a personalized treatment plan.

Remember, age spots are a natural part of aging and do not usually cause health concerns. However, if you are concerned about your age spots or want to remove them for aesthetic reasons, contact our professional staff to discuss the best options for your specific situation.

Age spots always require a dermatological examination to determine whether they are harmless age spots or pigmented age spots. Skin cancers is involved. Treatment by beauticians is therefore not recommended.