The fact that the sun's ultraviolet rays accelerate the ageing of our skin and lead to Skin cancer is now well known. But what about sunscreen? Does it really protect against the aforementioned sun damage? Do you only need it on summer vacation? And who should go for skin cancer screening anyway?

The sun is vital for us and it promotes our well-being. It helps against bad moods, relaxes and is important for the production of vitamin D. Many people use sunscreen products during summer vacation to avoid sunburn. Sun protection, on the other hand, should be an issue all year round, because the sun emits various rays and we now know that UVB and UVA rays are dangerous. Textile sun protection has also proven its worth. The darker and denser a fabric is woven, the better it protects from the sun. UV rays can cause sun allergies, pigment spots, premature skin aging and even skin cancer, in addition to sunburn.
Skin cancer screening is used for early detection of skin cancer, which is curable if diagnosed in time. We use videography for skin cancer screening, i.e. we photograph you from head to toe, take microscopic pictures (magnified 20 times) of all conspicuous moles and compare, especially in the course, whether new moles appear or existing ones change.
In case of doubt, a birthmark can be additionally examined with Nevisense (electroimpedance spectroscopy) or is removed directly. We also perform these procedures on a daily basis in our practices.

Precaution - including quarterly self-checks - must be learned. So must the right sunscreen care. When to apply what and how much? Get advice. And keep your children in mind: children's skin is much more sensitive than that of adults. For children under one year of age: no direct sun exposure!