Eye circles

Dark circles can be a sign of lack of sleep, stress or simply a result of the natural aging process. At our clinic, we understand the emotional impact they can have on our patients. That's why we combine advanced techniques, including CO2 laser and PRP, to effectively remove dark circles and restore your self-confidence. If required, we can also apply a polynucleotide skin booster (PhilArt Eye) after three sessions."



Firat Aslanel
Firat Aslanel

Eye circles symptoms

Eye circles, also known as periorbital hyperpigmentation, manifest as dark circles or shadows around the eyes. They may be accompanied by:

  • Puffiness or "bags" under the eyes
  • Skin that appears thinner and paler, making the underlying blood vessels more visible
  • Depressions in the skin around the eyes

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Eye circles causes

Circles under the eyes can be caused by various factors:

  • Aging: With age, the skin loses collagen and becomes thinner. This can make the dark blood vessels under the skin more visible.
  • Inheritance: Genetics play a role, and dark circles can run in families.
  • Lifestyle factors: Lack of sleep, stress and smoking can increase dark circles.
  • Nutrition and hydration: An unhealthy diet and insufficient fluid intake can contribute.
  • Allergies: Allergic reactions and eye irritation may cause swelling and dark circles.

Eye circles treatment

Our clinic offers a combination of CO2 laser and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) for the treatment of dark circles.

The CO2 laser works by targeting the skin around the eye. It removes dead skin cells and stimulates collagen production, which helps to tighten the skin and improve its appearance.

PRP involves injecting plasma, derived from your own blood and enriched, into the skin around the eye. It uses your body's natural healing abilities to regenerate and renew the skin.

If desired, after three sessions an additional Polynucleotide Skinbooster (PhilArt Eye) be used. This skin booster hydrates the skin from within and improves its texture and quality, which leads to an additional reduction of dark circles.

Frequently asked questions

Dark circles Frequently asked questions

Are there effective home remedies?

If you enter the terms dark circles and home remedies into Google, countless suggestions appear which should be effective in the fight against dark circles. Many home remedies aim to reduce puffiness, but this is not long-lasting. If a long-term and more pronounced visual improvement is desired, we will be happy to work with you to design an individual treatment plan.

Do creams help?

Eye creams can help to reduce dark circles. Active ingredients such as retinol can tighten the skin by stimulating collagen neogenesis and reduce the shimmering of bluish vessels by increasing skin thickness. The active ingredient caffeine can also visually reduce the appearance of purple pigmentation under the eyes by stimulating vasoconstriction, i.e. a narrowing of the small blood vessels.

Can I prevent dark circles from forming?

A healthy lifestyle with 7-8 hours of sleep, sufficient exercise, a healthy diet and adequate hydration can reduce the appearance of dark circles. However, there is also a genetic predisposition to the development of dark circles, which can only be influenced to a limited extent with a healthy lifestyle. In the case of darker skin types with a tendency to hyperpigmentation, rubbing, e.g. itching, can also lead to discoloration. An allergy or eczema test may be necessary.

What treatment options do we offer at our clinic?

For discoloration and fine wrinkles, we recommend a combined treatment using PRP and the fractionated CO2 laser. Bags under the eyes can be treated well with the Tixel. We will be happy to advise you individually on the most suitable method for you. A nanotoning treatment can be useful for darker lower eyelid areas. LED treatments can also lighten the complexion.
Further information

Further information

Skin aging of the eye region
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva / 14. July 2020 / 4 min. read

Further information

Skin aging of the eye region
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva / 14. July 2020 / 4 min. read