Skin cancer

"Skin cancer refers to malignant changes to the skin. Some skin changes are almost invisible to the eye, while aggressive types usually manifest themselves with dark spots on the skin. The risk of developing skin cancer increases with age. We therefore recommend regular screening."

Nathalie Staub, doctor
Nathalie Staub, doctor

Skin cancer symptoms

In the case of skin cancer, a distinction is made between the white skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma) and the black skin cancer (melanoma), which also differ in their appearance on the skin.

  • White skin cancerwhich combines various types of cancer such as squamous cell or basal cell cancer, is caused by light damage to the skin and usually occurs from the age of 50 at the earliest. It is the most common type of skin cancer. The precancerous stage (actinic keratosis) is often "only" palpable as roughness. While squamous cell cancer forms palpable lumps, basal cell cancer manifests itself as yellow-reddish patches with a pearly edge. White skin cancer grows slowly and rarely forms metastases (secondary tumors). This cancer often occurs on parts of the body that are exposed to UV radiation, such as the face or hands. If a form of white skin cancer or a precancerous lesion is detected, appropriate treatment is required immediately.
  • Black skin cancer (malignant melanoma) is significantly more aggressive than white skin cancer and spreads more quickly. Asymmetrical, blurred, multicolored, larger and conspicuous moles must be shown to a doctor because they may be hiding a skin cancer or a preliminary stage. Early melanomas can be cured with a simple operation. In advanced melanoma, metastases can form, which can lead to death. In this case, additional treatment methods such as chemotherapy are necessary. Due to the aggressiveness of black skin cancer, moles should be examined by a specialist at least once a year.

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Skin cancer causes

The formation of skin cancer can be promoted by many different factors. UV radiation is a promoting factor for all skin cancers. Lighter skin is less protected against the sun's rays and therefore more susceptible to sunburn, this promotes the formation of skin cancer. Other factors include genetic predisposition to skin cancer formation, a weakened immune system or contact with certain chemicals such as arsenic.


Skin cancer treatment

Analysis & Consulting

  • For a complete Skin cancer screening you should have your moles examined by a specialist at least once a year. We offer a videographic full body examination with the most advanced imaging technology to reliably detect changes and neoplasms, especially in patients with many moles.

Laser and light treatments

  • The photodynamic therapy enables particularly effective and gentle treatment of white skin cancer and its precursors. By applying a light-sensitizing cream and subsequent exposure to light, the diseased skin cells are destroyed. PDT can be performed several times, is painless and usually heals without scarring. A special feature of our practice is the follow-up treatment with Healite LED (light-emitting diodes) on the 2nd and 4th day after exposure. This is a modern method for improving cell function through photobiomodulation or photoactivation. Treatment over 30 minutes with a wavelength of 830 nm improves the healing of the treated areas.

Other treatments

  • Conspicuous moles or proven skin cancer can be removed with the help of a scalpel.The small surgical interventions on the skin are performed on an outpatient basis in the practice with local anesthesia (local anesthesia with a syringe).
  • In the case of certain forms of skin cancer and their precursors (actinic keratoses/spinaliomas/basal cell carcinomas) or in the case of therapy-resistant keloids, the additional Soft X-ray therapy gently and sustainably.
Further information

Further information

Laser-assisted PDT for field cancerization.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 3/2015
Actinic keratosis: PDT as a non-invasive treatment
Malgorzata Karwath
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein

Further information

Laser-assisted PDT for field cancerization.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 3/2015
Actinic keratosis: PDT as a non-invasive treatment
Malgorzata Karwath
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein