Vaginal laser

Vaginal laser after pregnancy

Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein March 3, 2020 Read 4 min

At last. The 9-month pregnancy is over. The body can slowly recover from the strain and return to its original shape. In some cases, however, permanent damage remains. A new remedy is the Vaginal laser.

Often birth injuries occur during vaginal birth, which must be surgically sutured. The resulting scars can still be painful painful for years after delivery. For many women, this leads to a reduced libido, as pain occurs during sexual intercourse.

Another problem is the so-called Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS). This describes the impairment of the optimal structural makeup of the vagina. It is caused in particular by vaginal births. caused by vaginal births. In VRS, there is a loss of elasticity and tone of the vagina. of the vagina. This also causes a possible loss of sexual excitability and mild urinary incontinence.

Stress incontinence can also be caused by vaginal births. Childbirth. As stress incontinence is defined as involuntary leakage of urine due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (e.g. when (for example when jumping, coughing or laughing). The cause is damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the urethra. urethra, as well as a weakness of the pelvic floor.

There are not many therapy options. Conservative pelvic floor training was considered the standard therapy for a long time. But more and more, the vaginal laser is coming into use.

The vaginal laser can be used for various indications.

The laser head resembles a gynecological vaginal transducer and is also inserted into the vagina in this manner. The treatment takes about 5- 20 minutes, depending on the laser device. The laser impulses are delivered to the vaginal mucosa, the vaginal entrance and, if necessary, to the labia. The resulting micro-injuries lead to a restructuring of the tissue, which, according to studies, measurably leads to an increase in thickness, blood flow and moisture. The build-up of mucous membrane leads to a thickening of the vaginal mucosa. These effects can eliminate the problems described above.

Laser pulses are delivered to the vaginal mucosa, the vaginal entrance and, if necessary, the labia.