
Are women in menopause still allowed to enjoy sex?

ruemmelein March 18, 2019 Read 4 min
Are women in menopause still allowed to enjoy sex?

Many women beyond 50 have given up hope of a fulfilling sex life, in part because they feel that your vagina has changed.

The prerequisite for a well perfused and well moistened vaginal mucosa are the estrogens, whose production in the ovaries has decreased with age. While symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats usually disappear on their own, the complaints become worse and worse due to vaginal atrophy, i.e. the thinning of the mucous membrane and the connective tissue that supports it. This atrophy of the vaginal mucosa manifests itself in dryness, in the disappearance of the lactic acid bacteria and the associated increase in the pH value.

As a result, vaginal infections occur more frequently. The reduced collagen content of the connective tissue means that the mucous membrane is no longer as stable and the vaginal tube is no longer as tight. As a result, the vagina reacts much more sensitively to the mechanical stresses during sexual intercourse, and the sexual experience becomes less and less satisfying.

This hormone deficiency can also affect younger women if the ovaries have to be surgically removed for reasons of illness or are no longer active due to radiation. Similar complaints can also occur after births due to hormonal changes.

Many women cannot or do not want to take hormone replacement therapy and therefore resign themselves to their symptoms.

The tightening and rejuvenating effects of laser beams have been known and proven for many years in aesthetic medicine. In recent years, these effects have also been transferred to the genital area and can now also be used successfully for vaginal atrophy. Already after one treatment, a reconstruction of the formerly very thin mucous membrane and an improvement of the blood circulation can be seen - and this completely without the use of hormones. The desired acidic vaginal environment is restored, the vagina is moist, and the connective tissue is tightened. The urogenital atrophy that often accompanies vaginal changes, with an increased and more frequent urge to urinate, can also improve.

The gentle and non-invasive, non-surgical ER: YAG or CO₂ laser treatment to rejuvenate the vaginal mucosa help affected women to feel more comfortable in their own bodies again.