So far, the Acne Acne is predominantly seen as a problem of puberty, although more and more adults are also affected and the trend is rising. Statistical data shows, however, that it is not genetic factors that are at the forefront, but external, environmental influences, of which the Western diet is receiving increasing attention as a major factor in triggering acne.

Over time, diet turned out to be a major factor as a big factor in acne formation. There are populations that have a very simple diet, in which acne does not exist. Even in times of hardship in Europe only a few people were affected by acne. We now want to look at our western diet. We want to show the chances that in a change of the nutrition lie.
In acne patients, the sebum (skin fat) has a special composition that favors the growth of acne bacteria acne bacteria (Propionicabetium acnes). It contains many free fatty acids, which have a pro-inflammatory, skin-damaging and comedogenic effect. Central hormones of puberty such as the growth hormone GH and the insulin-like growth factor-1 IGF-1, as well as milk and hyperglycemic carbohydrates have a negative a negative influence on the sebum.
In a study from South Korea with 783 patients with acne and 502 acne-free controls, it was concluded that a high glycemic load, the consumption of dairy products, high fat consumption and iodine promote the development and exacerbation of acne. A second research group additionally demonstrated a significant, negative effect of high consumption of sugar, saturated fats and trans fatty acids on acne.
Our western dietary style is characterized by the high consumption of hyperglycemic carbohydrates in solid combination with milk/dairy products such as chocolate, ice cream, pizza with cheese, or sweetened Cornflakes with milk. All these factors act together to increase the formation of acne.
What can you do yourself to prevent yourself from the outbreak of acne with a high probability? Please follow the advice on a healthy diet given in the table below. By doing so, you will live a healthy life and also avoid other diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. These have long been in the consciousness of all of us as diseases of civilization, and now we know that acne is also one of them.

Other things like stress, occupational substances, environmental toxins and mechanical factors are often not so easily influenced. It is all the more important that you do not smoke, avoid acne medications and the wrong cosmetics. Also a daily light protection in the sunny months is absolutely necessary. We will be happy to advise you on how to care for your skin properly. In doing so, you will be making an important contribution to comprehensive acne treatment.