
Skin aging of the eye region

Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva July 14, 2020 Read 4 min

Natural skin ageing does not stop at the eye area. Over time, deep Wrinklesdark circles, bags under the eyes or bags under the eyes. Many indications can be treated today. However, the eye region requires careful analysis in order to choose the appropriate procedure.

The eye region is very delicate and sensitive. Various changes can be aesthetically disturbing:

  • Skin that is too dry - for example in old age or in patients with a tendency to atopic dermatitis - looks wrinkled and wrinkled and makes the affected person look older than he or she is.
  • Thin skin under the eyes makes the veins shimmer through and therefore appear shaded - haloed. Friction can also lead to discoloration in darker skin types and therefore also to dark circles. dark circles lead.
  • Water and/or fat deposits can lead to bags under the eyes.
  • Heavy, full upper eyelids or low-set eyebrows can lead to drooping eyelids and make the eye look tired and heavy.

With the help of the latest techniques of modern medicine, such problems can nowadays be treated without surgical intervention. In the House of Skin & Laser Medicine we rely on our own treatment concepts, which have been developed based on years of experience.

With the fractionated CO2 laser the skin is stimulated to regenerate with very fine "puncture holes" using laser light (diameter 0.1 mm).

Skin appearance directly after fractional laser treatment

This process is supported by the subsequent injection of PRP (= platelet-rich plasma)which is extracted from the patient's blood at the time of treatment. This procedure, also known as vampire or plasma lifting, is based on the effect of growth factors concentrated in plasma and has two effects: It accelerates wound healing and intensifies the anti-ageing effect of the fractionated laser. PRP has been used successfully in sports medicine for years after operations.

Injection of PRP accelerates wound healing and improves the anti-aging effect

If surgery is not yet indicated or is not desired at all, the eye region can be examined with focused ultrasound (HIFU, Ultraformer®) are stimulated to tighten. Deep injuries - without any damage to the epidermis - stimulate collagen neogenesis in the tissue. Treatment of the eye area always includes the forehead.

Tightening procedures are also suitable for the treatment of drooping upper eyelids and therefore the Ultraformer is also used here. In addition, the treatment is supported here by the so-called "Chemical Eyebrow Lift". Here botulinum toxin is injected in the lateral eyebrow area, whereby the lifting muscles of the forehead can lead to a lift.

A lifting effect can be achieved with botulinum toxin

Since the eye region is very sensitive and treatment requires a lot of expertise, a thorough examination is very important before any therapy. During this examination, the possibilities are discussed in order to be able to decide on an ideal procedure. Let us advise you.