Spider veins

Spider veins: the world is unfair

Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva September 24, 2019 Read 4 min

Why is it actually almost only women who are affected by the red or blue veins that disfigure the legs? Why does it also affect athletic and slim women who neither take the contraceptive pill nor have had pregnancies?

Quite honestly: we don't know! Women who have spider veins have done nothing wrong. they have a weak connective tissue by nature. It known that hormonal factors such as the pill or pregnancies additionally weaken the weaken the connective tissue. So predisposition is to blame, but sport can strengthen the connective tissue, although without a guarantee.

What can You can expect when you visit Dr. Rümmelein's practice for this problem?

  • A Thorough questioning about past medical history, aggravating factors or Pre-existing conditions: Standing occupations, clotting disorders, phlebitis, thrombosis, accidents and surgery.
  • A careful examination. If this reveals the suspicion that besides the spider veins varicose veins are present, we will refer you to a vascular surgeon for a vascular surgeon for duplex ultrasound examination. If there is a varicose veins, he or she will be able to identify the vessels that are the function of the venous system either surgically or by means of a laser, which is inserted into the veins. This would then be a medically necessary and not an aesthetic treatment.
  • A detailed photo documentation, which allows us to monitor the success of our treatment. enables.
  • A Comprehensive counseling on the details and number of expected treatments as well as recommendations for behavior after therapy.
  • And Finally, therapy with a state-of-the-art vascular laser. This offers two wavelengths for all types of spider veins, from fine red to medium-thick blue. medium-thick blue ones. If the veins are located under the skin and are too thick for the the laser, we will sclerose them with an injection (sclerotherapy).

Finally, you will be happy with your legs again!

Laser treatment of spider veins

More information on the treatment of spider veins