
What is Skin Rejuvenation? How does Kleresca Skin Rejuvenation help? What are the advantages?

donisi April 30, 2019 Read 4 min

Wrinkles are a sign of the natural aging process. Our lifestyle habits such as sun exposure, diet, smoking, grooming and mimic habits such as brooding or frowning intensify the individual formation of wrinkles. In aesthetic medicine we like to speak of good and bad wrinkles, namely those that make our appearance look lively and friendly and those that and friendly and those that make us look tired, angry or sad. sad.

Skin ageing is the term used to describe the complex biological process of changes to the skin that occur with age. This refers not only to chronological ageing, but also to intrinsic ageing, i.e. the genetically controlled, reduced reactivity of skin cells. This cannot be influenced. In contrast, extrinsic factors (environmental factors such as UV light, chemical reactants, mechanical stress) can be influenced. For this reason, a distinction is made in skin ageing between so-called "time ageing" and "environmental ageing" (also known as "light ageing").

Despite large individual variations, studies usually consider the age of 25 as the onset of skin aging. The age of 25 is considered to be the beginning of skin aging. In general, however, it can be that the process begins in any case between the 20th and 30th year of life. even if the naked eye is not yet able to perceive it at this time. perceive it at this time. Wrinkles and lines are formed and the skin loses its elasticity and tone. of elasticity and resilience.

This is also due to lifestyle: Factors such as heat and cold, stress and an unhealthy diet, as well as alcohol and nicotine consumption can accelerate the natural ageing of the skin.

Kleresca skin rejuvenation is an innovative biophotonic treatment - a unique light conversion system that uses multi-wavelength LED light in combination with a special photoconverting gel allows the light to act deep within the skin. The specific wavelengths penetrate the skin, stimulate the tissue's own repair system and normalize cell activity. In this way, a beneficial effect on collagen formation and skin cell renewal is achieved. In addition to the face, the neck and décolleté can also be treated.

How quickly do you see results?  - A treatment series consists of four treatments at intervals of 1-2 weeks. A positive skin feeling develops especially quickly. The skin looks fresher and feels firmer.

How long-lasting are the results?  - The results are not the same for everyone, but the freshening that is achieved is only slowly lost. We recommend our patients repeat treatments every 4-6 months.

Is the treatment painful? - No, not at all.

I am pregnant, is the light harmful? - No, the light only has a local effect.

When can I go out in the sun again? - Immediately after the treatment, the skin is somewhat reddened. During this phase, which usually lasts from hours to a maximum of two days, you should not go out in the sun. We therefore always recommend a sunscreen.

Further information on Kleresca treatment