
When everything is healed, but the scars remain?

donisi July 30 2019 Read 4 min

Have you suffered a burn that has burned scars into you? For the treatment of the acute burn there are already clear instructions in the emergency aid course. These painful skin injuries must be carefully cared for, and yet ugly scars often remain. The possibilities of laser medicine in such cases are still unknown to many doctors.

In the case of an acute burn, there is a standardized procedure and everyone learns how to behave at the latest in the emergency aid course. However, the mature, healed scar can look very different: Vessels and also epidermal thickness are usually reduced in the area of the scar. Skin patches, follicles, the papillary relief, hair and skin glands are reduced or absent. Superficially, the scar can look cigarette paper-like, often it is lighter, but also hyperpigmented Scars are possible (especially in dark-skinned people).

Hyperpigmented scars after verbena.

In the worst-case scenario, scar bulges (hypertrophic scars or Keloids), which then require special therapy.

There is also the psychological aspect: the scar is a (often painful) reminder of the accident. Sometimes hard scars also prevent the mobility of a body part, especially if they have arisen over joints.

With the fractional laser process is a very effective procedure for improving scars. We usually calculate 3-6 treatments per scar area at four-week intervals. Sometimes we experience true miracles, with dramatic improvements after just two treatments.

Large hypopigmented and hyperthrophic scars after verbena.

We have five different fractional procedures available in our practice, which we select depending on the nature of the scar and its location.

Subsequently, we create a post-care concept for you, which supports the healing process.

In this context also PRP (Platelet rich plasma), which is applied simultaneously with the laser treatment. This platelet rich plasma contains many growth factors and supports the healing effect with exclusively endogenous substances.

The laser treatment itself is painless and is usually performed on previously pre-anesthetized skin. Painkillers in the form of tablets or injections are not required.

The treatment time depends on the size of the lesion and lasts from a few minutes to a maximum of half an hour.