Age warts

Age warts (also called seborrheic keratoses or basal cell papillomas) are benign, mostly brown nodules on the skin. They are very visible on the face and are considered aesthetically disturbing. They can be removed particularly gently by an erbium laser, which is an effective treatment for age warts.

C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Specialist in Dermatology & Venereology
C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Specialist in Dermatology & Venereology

Age warts symptoms

Age warts can take on different sizes, but usually remain in the millimeter range. The color can vary from light brown to black. They can be clustered or isolated on the body, but never on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. Age warts are sharply defined, they rise from the rest of the skin, and they often feel wart-like. The warts usually appear after the age of 40 and become more frequent with age.

Even though age warts are medically harmless, their appearance can be perceived as aesthetically disturbing and thus psychologically stressful. As this is the most common benign tumor of the skin, there are now various options for removing age warts. Laser therapies or mechanical treatments can be used.

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Age warts causes

Age warts differ from the usual Wartsas they are not caused by viruses and are therefore not contagious. The exact cause of senile warts is not clear. Age plays a major role, and a genetic component also seems to have an influence. Age warts can occur in particularly large numbers in sweaty areas (under the breasts, mid-back, neck and nape). Seborrheic keratosis is another name for this skin change.


Age warts treatment

Since age warts look very similar to common warts, affected people try to remove them in the same way. Unfortunately, many self-therapies such as the use of ointments or solutions do not help.

Removal of age warts with laser

  • Laser treatments, especially with the Erbium laserThe removal of benign skin changes, such as age warts or seborrhoeic keratoses, is particularly gentle. The removal of age warts by specialists helps to ensure that the skin layer and skin cells remain as intact as possible. This type of age-related wart treatment is ideal for removing growths and Wartsand is an effective alternative for the removal of Age spots or keratosis.
    We will provide you with ointments for aftercare. Immediately after the treatment, the treated area secretes a protein-rich exudate containing healing proteins. This coagulates within 2-3 days to form a protective crust under which the new skin is formed. Hypopigmentation and scars are rare. Before and especially after treatment, avoid excessive sun exposure and use appropriate sunscreen.

Removal of age warts with scalpel

  • Age-related warts can also be easily scraped off using medical instruments such as a sharp spoon or a curette. This type of removal is particularly useful if the exact diagnosis of the Wart cannot be determined and it could therefore also be a malignant skin change. However, the laser is the more modern and gentler procedure, especially for the face, with a virtually invisible scar. The treatment method is therefore selected on the basis of a diagnosis made by a doctor during an examination. In this way, the balancing act between health and aesthetic concerns can be mastered. Let us advise you.
Frequently asked questions

Age warts Frequently asked questions

Are seborrheic keratoses contagious?

No, seborrheic keratoses are not contagious, but extremely annoying, sometimes you develop only a few of these mostly brownish wart-like growths, but sometimes countless (almost like a rash under the breasts, on the flanks, on the back, but also the face and scalp are often affected). Sebhorroic keratoses can be very small (the size of a lentil) but can also grow to a diameter of 3 cm. Mostly they are painless, but they are disturbing because they stick out. Sometimes they also cause considerable itching and can become inflamed.

How can I tell if it is seborrheic keratosis or something more serious?

Unfortunately, as a medical loaner, one cannot recognize this oneself. For the differentiation from malignant growths the dermatologist uses a dermoscope and in doubtful cases even a histological examination is performed occasionally. You should therefore show any new or changed skin lesion to a dermatologist. It is better to see a doctor once too often than too little.

Can seborrheic keratoses be removed?

Yes, there are different methods for removing seborrheic keratoses. At Hautwerk, we almost exclusively use the erbium laser because it is particularly gentle and precise.

Are there treatments for seborrheic keratoses that I can do at home?

No, unfortunately not.

Can seborrheic keratoses develop into skin cancer?

No, but a seborrheic keratosis can be very similar to a skin cancer and therefore it should also be removed if in doubt.
Further information

Further information

Treatments with ablative lasers: When the laser, when the curettes, when the scalpel?
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 1/2020: 20-22
Laser tip: Warts? That does not have to be!
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 5/2017
Age warts on the face: causes, treatment and prevention
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein

Further information

Treatments with ablative lasers: When the laser, when the curettes, when the scalpel?
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 1/2020: 20-22
Laser tip: Warts? That does not have to be!
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 5/2017
Age warts on the face: causes, treatment and prevention
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein