
"Hyperhidrosis" is the name given to a condition in which affected individuals suffer from excessive sweat production. The daily life and well-being of affected individuals can suffer greatly. Injections with botulinum toxin can temporarily resolve this problem."

C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Specialist in Dermatology & Venereology
C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Specialist in Dermatology & Venereology

Hyperhidrosis symptoms

Hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating, is a condition in which sweat production is significantly increased and cannot be justified by external factors such as warm weather. This condition can manifest itself in two forms: as focal hyperhidrosis, which is limited to certain areas of the body such as the hands or armpits, or as generalized hyperhidrosis, which affects the entire body. The intensity of the sweating varies, which is why hyperhidrosis treatment must be customized.

The disease is divided into three stages depending on its severity:

  • Mild hyperhidrosis (grade I) is characterized by increased skin moisture on the hands and in the armpit area. Those affected often report sweating patches in the armpit area with diameters of 5-10 cm, which underlines the need for effective hyperhidrosis therapy.
  • Moderately severe hyperhidrosis (grade II) is manifested by the formation of beads of sweat on the hands and in the armpit area, whereby the sweat patches can reach a diameter of 10-20 cm. At this stage, only the palms and backs of the hands are affected by sweating, which drives the search for specialized hyperhidrosis treatment.
  • Severe hyperhidrosis (grade III) is characterized by dripping sweat and sweat patches that can reach a diameter of over 20 cm. At this stage, the fingers, toes and edges of the hands can also be affected by sweating, which significantly impairs the quality of life and requires targeted hyperhidrosis therapy.

The choice of hyperhidrosis treatments depends on the individual's experience of sweating and can vary from one therapy to the next. It is important to consider treatment options such as botulinum toxin injections, tap water iontophoresis or sweat gland suction in order to improve the well-being and lifestyle of those affected.


Hyperhidrosis causes

The development of hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating, is closely linked to the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which stimulates the sweat glands. Interestingly, neither the number nor the size of the sweat glands is directly responsible for excessive sweat production. Based on the different causes of overstimulation, hyperhidrosis is divided into two main categories:

  • Primary hyperhidrosis The primary form of hyperhidrosis is characterized by its idiopathic nature, which means that its exact causes often remain unknown. This form of excessive sweating typically manifests itself during puberty and in many cases can subside spontaneously over time. Those affected experience a significant impact on their quality of life, as symptoms such as increased sweating on the hands, armpits and other parts of the body occur for no apparent reason.
  • Secondary hyperhidrosis In contrast to this is secondary hyperhidrosis, which occurs as a symptomatic reaction to existing underlying illnesses. This can manifest as an accompanying symptom of a number of conditions such as flu, cardiac insufficiency or anxiety disorders. With secondary hyperhidrosis, it is crucial to treat the underlying cause in order to achieve an improvement in symptoms.

Regardless of the type of hyperhidrosis, it is important for sufferers to explore the various hyperhidrosis treatment options to find relief. While specific therapies such as botulinum toxin injections, tap water iontophoresis or even sweat gland suction can be helpful for primary hyperhidrosis, secondary hyperhidrosis requires a comprehensive medical evaluation to develop an appropriate treatment strategy.


Hyperhidrosis treatment

Preparation for the treatment

The treatment itself does not require any specific preparation. Nevertheless, it is important that you have a detailed consultation with a doctor before undergoing the treatment.

This consultation is designed to understand your individual needs and ensure that botulinum toxin is the appropriate treatment for your sweating problem. Preparation typically includes an analysis of the affected areas, such as the armpits, hands or feet, to determine the extent and intensity of the sweating.


What happens during the treatment?

During hyperhidrosis therapy, botulinum toxin is injected directly into the skin of the affected areas. These injections aim to block the nerve impulses responsible for activating the sweat glands without affecting other nerve functions such as sensation or touch. The process is relatively quick and is often described as minimally painful, with the whole procedure taking just a few minutes.


What can I expect after the treatment?

After the successful application of botulinum toxin, patients can expect a significant reduction in sweating. The effect usually lasts between 6 and 9 months, significantly improving the feeling of well-being and reducing the discomfort associated with hyperhidrosis. It is important to keep your follow-up appointments and follow your doctor's instructions for optimal long-term effects.


Alternative treatment options

In addition to botulinum toxin, there are other hyperhidrosis treatments that can be considered depending on the severity and individual needs. In our clinic, however, we focus exclusively on the proven treatment with botulinum toxin:

  • Tap water iontophoresisA non-invasive method that is particularly effective for hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet.
  • Sweat gland suctionAn option for severe cases of hyperhidrosis, especially of the armpits.
  • MiraDryAn innovative treatment that uses microwave energy to permanently destroy sweat glands. MiraDry is particularly effective for the treatment of underarm hyperhidrosis and can provide a long-lasting solution for people looking for an alternative to repeated injections.


The choice of hyperhidrosis treatment depends on various factors, including the area of the body affected, the severity of the sweating and personal preferences. Each of these treatment options has the potential to significantly reduce sweating and improve the sufferer's quality of life.

Frequently asked questions

Hyperhidrosis Frequently asked questions

Am I a candidate for treatment?

There are many reasons why there is a high level of sweat production. Both a genetic predisposition and hormonal changes are possible influencing factors. Regardless of the cause, increased sweat production in the armpits can be easily treated with botulinum toxin injections, while iontophoresis is an effective method for hands and feet.

Is the treatment painful?

The treatment itself is well tolerated. The application of an anesthetic cream desensitizes the skin, which makes the injection less painful.

How long does it take until I see results?

The maximum effect develops over the course of the next few days until it has developed its full effect after 2 weeks.

Are the results permanent or will I have to undergo further treatments in the future?

In general, the effect wears off gradually and requires maintenance treatment after 6-9 months. This interval can also be shorter for certain people. The duration of the sweat block varies from person to person.

Will I need time off work?

The treatment has virtually no downtime. Immediately after the injections, you can go about your daily activities without any problems.