Videographic full body examination

"The full-body videographic examination is an analysis of the entire skin mit most advanced recording technology, especially for early detection of skin cancer or questionable skin changes. Comparison images at annual intervals help to detect even small changes at an early stage. Integrated AI supports our work.

C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Medical Director
C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Medical Director
How it works

Videographic whole body examination Mode of action

The technology behind the full-body videographic examination is the FotoFinder System. With the FotoFinder we lead also all photo documentation for all treatments by. With the help of the FotoFinders we perform a two-stage whole body examination consisting of the Total Body Mapping and the Dermatoscopy based. The most important thing here is the history recordings, which facilitate early detection of changes. 


Videographic full body examination Procedure

The examination, during which a cartography of your body is made, usually takes 15-30 minutes. At least 16 overview exposures are created and as many dermatoscopic images as necessary. During control examinations we can compare you with yourself and even small changes will be noticed early.