
Wrinkles are part of the natural ageing process, but can occur in people of all ages. Rejuvenate your face with specialized wrinkle treatment from our dermatology specialists. At our practice in Zurich, we offer a range of solutions to effectively remove wrinkles from the face and neck, including skin tightening injections and laser therapies.

Firat Aslanel, physician
Firat Aslanel, physician

Wrinkles symptoms

Wrinkles are small lines and deep furrows that form on the skin over the years. They typically appear on the face and neck, especially around the mouth, eyes (crow's feet) and forehead. They are often called frown lines.

Unfortunately, wrinkles are an unavoidable part of the ageing process and not a sign of illness or poor health. However, facial wrinkles can also be very pronounced in young people.

For this reason, patients of almost all age groups are looking for wrinkle treatment options.

The types of wrinkles include:

  • Eye wrinkles
  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Lip wrinkles

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Wrinkles causes

Young people rarely develop wrinkles on their face as the facial skin is still very elastic. This is because all of the skin's mechanisms are still functioning properly: the skin renews itself every few days, can absorb moisture in the intestines, is sufficiently supplied with blood at all times and produces sufficient collagen, which is responsible for its firmness and elasticity.

However, the skin's ability to regenerate decreases with age. Falling hormone levels and the increase in so-called free oxygen radicals lead to the production of the body's own hyaluronic acid and collagen decreasing by one percent. These changes usually become noticeable around the age of 35. The skin also becomes drier and thinner with increasing age.

How quickly these processes progress depends heavily on factors such as:

  • Excessive tobacco and alcohol consumption
  • UV radiation, for example from sunbathing
  • Weather effects
  • Stress
  • Diet, for example diets with too much fat and too few vitamins
  • Fluid intake

What these factors have in common is that they lead to an increase in free oxygen radicals. These highly reactive oxygen molecules damage the genetic material, cell membranes and proteins that are important for the skin.


Wrinkles treatment

There are various options for wrinkle treatment in Zurich. Combination procedures or a step-by-step approach often make sense.

To prevent skin ageing and correct skin blemishes, our specialists will advise you according to the latest medical findings.

Laser and light therapy

  • The fractional CO2 lasers shoots microscopic holes in the epidermis, stimulating the natural wound healing process. This renews the skin and reduces wrinkles on the face.
  • The Total Skin Solution is a combination for tightening sagging skin from the inside and a follow-up treatment for smoothing and improving skin quality. By combining both techniques, all skin layers are optimally treated, with very little downtime and particularly good tolerability.


  • The Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of connective tissue, which steadily decreases in the course of life. By injecting a hyaluronic acid filler, wrinkles can be lifted, lips can be rebuilt and a lack of volume in the face can be compensated. Here you can choose between a normal filler, mesotherapy or Profhilo.
  • Botulinum toxin can be used against facial wrinkles. It inhibits the transmission of stimuli from the nerves to the muscles. The effect sets in after 4 days and the full effect is visible after a maximum of 2 weeks. The result lasts for approx. 3-6 months and can be repeated if necessary.
  • PRP (Vampire Lift) is a 100% natural biolifting with its own serum. The injection of the patient's own extracted platelet-rich blood plasma stimulates the renewal of skin and connective tissue, smoothing wrinkles on the face. Since these are the body's own active ingredients, the treatment is low-risk. It must be repeated regularly.

Other options

  • The treatment with the Tixel uses controlled short-term heat to create punctiform openings in the skin. This allows serums and active ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin and improve wrinkles.
  • Infini is a radio frequency therapy with Microneedling for deep-acting collagen stimulation. This technology is particularly effective in treating deep layers of the skin. Infini is an aesthetic treatment that can be carried out all year round and is suitable for all skin types.
  • Anti-ageing creams, although these are not as effective as the options listed above. Instead, they should be used as part of your daily skincare routine.
Frequently asked questions

Wrinkles Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect during wrinkle treatment?

This depends entirely on the treatment. This can be injectables, to which the skin is desensitized with a cream. It can also be a variety of laser treatments that stimulate the skin to restructure. There are almost painless treatments and there are treatments for which we need to prepare you longer.

Does wrinkle treatment involve a recovery period and how soon will I see results?

After fillers and skin boosters, the first effects are visible immediately, although the results improve day by day during the first week. Laser treatments usually look slightly reddened for a few days until regeneration is complete. This is followed by the stimulating effect, which only becomes noticeable after 2-3 months.

What kind of aftercare is required and how can I maintain my youthful appearance?

The right care and maintenance therapy tailored to the skin type and treatment is important. We offer AWT, Kleresca, LED light therapy and microneedling for this purpose. Please contact us for individual advice.
Further information

Further information

New methods for wrinkle therapy.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 4/2016
From the arsenal of a wrinkle doctor.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 5/2015
What is Botox?
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein
Wrinkles - what can I do?
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva
Wrinkles around the mouth - what can be done?
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein

Further information

New methods for wrinkle therapy.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 4/2016
From the arsenal of a wrinkle doctor.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 5/2015
What is Botox?
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein
Wrinkles - what can I do?
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva
Wrinkles around the mouth - what can be done?
Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein