PDT (Photodynamic Therapy)

«Detected early, skin cancer is completely curable and often even surgical methods can be avoided. A modern, safe and gentle form with the heller skin cancer and its precursors can be treated, the photodynamic Light therapy (PDT). Other forms of skin cancer are still removed surgically and examined histologically or treated with X-rays. The PDT is not pleasant, but shows very good results for two-dimensional findings (so-called field cancerization)."

C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Medical Director
C. Bettina Rümmelein, M.D., Medical Director
How it works

PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) Mode of action

Before the actual photodynamic Exposure, a cream is applied that provides a photosensitizing Substance (5-methylamino lavulinic acid - ALA). All tumor cells store this substance in high concentration, while the healthy cells do not. During subsequent exposure to special light (633 nm), the previously labeled cells are destroyed and rejected over the course of the next few days. In our practice, we use a special procedure to accelerate the uptake of ALA into the cells and to improve the tolerability: Before applying the cream, the skin is treated with a fractional CO2 laser prepared.


PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) Procedure

Depending on which area is exposed, you will sit or lie down for about 15 minutes. You will be given special glasses to protect your eyes. Burning pain may occur during the exposure. We will gladly give you a mild painkiller directly in the office before the treatment. Medical professionals will always be with you during the exposure, the if necessary, soothes the burning sensation with a cooling fan. Also a special feature of our practice is the aftercare with Healite LED (light-emitting diodes) in the first days after exposure. This is a modern method of improving cell function through Photobiomodulation or Photoactivation. During the treatment for 30 minutes with the wavelength of 830 nm the healing of the treated areas is improved. We offer this aftercare once on the 1st day after the treatment as a service of the house without charge. 

Further information

Further information

Laser-assisted photodynamic therapy.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 4/2017
Laser-assisted PDT for field cancerization.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 3/2015
Actinic keratosis: PDT as a non-invasive treatment
Malgorzata Karwath

Further information

Laser-assisted photodynamic therapy.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 4/2017
Laser-assisted PDT for field cancerization.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 3/2015
Actinic keratosis: PDT as a non-invasive treatment
Malgorzata Karwath