Hair lossPRP

Hair loss? PRP and Healite can help!

Dr. med. Mareike Prinz August 27, 2021 Read 4 min
Hair loss? PRP and Healite can help!

In recent years, scalp treatment with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) has established itself as an effective therapy against hair loss or as a support after hair transplantation.

PRP is platelet-rich blood plasma obtained from the patient's blood by centrifugation. The blood plasma contains the body's own growth factors, which stimulate cell renewal of the hair root in the scalp. This prevents the Hair loss and hair growth is promoted. The combination with Healite light therapy provides even better results.

Hair loss is a condition that affects both men and women. While eight out of ten men suffer from hormone-induced hair loss, two to three out of ten women are affected after the menopause. Hair loss generally occurs when a person loses more than 100 hairs per day over a longer period of time. However, there are different types of hair loss, which affect different areas or have different causes.

Diffuse hair loss (alopecia diffusa)
Diffuse hair loss is when the hair falls out evenly distributed over the head. Usually there is a temporary disturbance in the body. Triggers could be, for example, stress, iron deficiency or hormonal influences. These factors are evaluated in a detailed consultation and supplemented by blood tests.

Circular hair loss (alopecia areata)
Circular hair loss is when isolated round areas of severe hair loss are affected. This is triggered by an autoimmune reaction, whereby the body's own immune cells are directed against the cells in the hair roots.

Hereditary hair loss (alopecia androgenetica)
Hair loss caused by genetic factors is the most common form of hair loss. In men, this usually begins with receding hairline at the temples and/or thin hair in the area of the top of the head. Over time, this can progress to baldness on the forehead and back of the head until only a crown of hair is left. In women, thinning hair can be observed in this case, especially in the crown area. It may also gradually thinning more backward and sideways here, although baldness does not usually form. This spread of this form is, as the name implies, dependent on genetic predisposition.

In our practice we treat all types of hair loss, whereby the first step is always to make a correct diagnosis using modern analysis methods!

PRP treatment for hair has gained enormous popularity in recent years - and rightly so. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient, from which a serum of platelet-rich blood plasma with its growth factors is centrifuged, which in turn is immediately injected into the scalp. This plasma stimulates hair growth and sets healing processes in motion.

PRP treatment can be perfectly combined with Healite photobiomodulation. The LED light (830 nm with 590 nm photosequencing) is a gentle method for improving cell function. The rapid decrease in the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine leads to an extension of the active growth phase of the hair (anagen phase) and a premature transition to the shedding phase (catagen phase) can be prevented.

The treatment is also ideal after a hair transplant, as hair growth is supported, the wounds heal better and the regrowth rate is increased.

For hair loss, two treatments of 15 minutes per week are performed for a period of about 4-6 weeks. This treatment regimen can be supplemented with medicinal hair tonics. In case of alopoecia areata and stress alopoeia we recommend three sessions per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for two weeks, then two sessions per week for four weeks.