When we introduced Kleresca - the biophotonic therapy against acne - in our practice in May 2016, we had mixed feelings: a very expensive self-pay service for the patient at CHF 2300 for a disease whose treatment costs are otherwise actually covered by health insurance. Will the success be as hoped?
For the Acne treatment there are multiple, very well studied treatment options and yet there are some cases where all our conventional medical knowledge seems to fail or where we cannot fully apply it - due to contraindications.

When we introduced May 2016, we introduced the biophotonic acne therapy called Cleresca. over six weeks and included a total of 12 treatments, we were on the one hand full of full of excitement and hope for our patients on the one hand, but on the other, we we feared disappointment and problems.
One of these problems is the immediate pigmentation of the skin that occurs shortly after treatment. Immediately after or during irradiation in the 300-450nm range, there is an ash-gray or brownish pigmentation (described by Meirowsky in 1909 as the Meirowsky phenomenon), which is clearly different in hue from the copper or coffee-brown pigmentation caused by UVB, which is also known as suntan. This immediate pigmentation usually fades after hours, sometimes even after days. In particular, patients who already have blotchy skin or suffer from a Melasma suffer from this temporary skin discoloration.

As far as the effect on acne is concerned, our expectations were exceeded. Impressively, patients with particularly severe inflammatory or even nodular acne benefited in particular. Many of the treatments proceeded as true "miracle cures," but even the patients who could not be cured reported gratifying improvements in their skin appearance at more than 90%.

Especially impressive is how the effect continues after completion of the treatment - i.e. after after 6 weeks - still continues. On our final pictures we always see improvement, and at the checkups after 3 months, the image often looks much better. much better.
However, recurrences have also occurred, as described by the manufacturer, but nowhere near to the extent suspected. In some patients, a monthly continuation or maintenance therapy was therefore initiated. We can therefore say without exaggeration that the Kleresca has become an indispensable part of our acne therapy offer and the treatment is highly appreciated by the majority of our patients. In our clinics, an average of 5 treatments are performed per day. Patients recommend the treatment to other patients, which speaks in favor of this method.