Laser treatment

Who is allowed to laser?

ldonisi June 7, 2019 Read 4 min

The NISSG or Federal Act on Protection against Hazards from Non-Ionizing Radiation and Sound, as well as the associated ordinances, came into force on 1.6.2019. A number of laser treatments may now only be carried out by doctors or under medical supervision (doctor present in the practice). These include all ablative treatments such as the removal of Age wartsviral warts and fibroids, the laser treatment of Pigment spots and Melasmathe treatment of varicose veins and Spider veins and many more.

The Removal of permanent make-up and tattoos with flash lamps was completely banned. The removal of Moles with the laser, as this method is not suitable and removal should only be performed surgically.

Also highly focused ultrasound, long-pulsed Nd:YAG lasers, photodynamic therapy, and laser laser lipolysis may now only be performed by physicians.

Particularly important are also all treatments near the eyes. Here, too, treatments may be performed exclusively by physicians.

For laser epilation and Tattoo removal For example, a certificate of competence can also be acquired later by non-physicians. Currently, however, the old Medical Devices Ordinance still applies and this states that all class IV lasers may only be operated by doctors or under medical supervision. This is not the case in the vast majority of laser studios. In this case, considerable fines are issued for non-compliance.

The entire regulation became necessary because the number of laser side effects in Switzerland is is considerable. In our practice, we see an average of three patients per week damaged by patients damaged by laser treatments. This is a great pity, because laser This is a great pity, because laser medicine is a highly technical medicine with great potential. Laser medicine has only made it possible to remove tattoos without scarring, to remove remove tattoos without scars, "conjure" hemangiomas from the face, reduce spider veins without and to smooth scars. Each technique needs a solid training. You also can't drive a Ferrari without a license.