LED light therapy

"LED light therapy is a modern treatment technique that uses specific wavelengths of light to treat various skin problems. When using devices such as Celluma and Healite, the skin is treated all year round with no downtime."

Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva, Physician
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva, Physician
How it works

LED light therapy mode of action

In LED therapy, monochromatic LED light (one wavelength) is emitted onto the skin. It is a gentle biostimulation to improve cell function and blood circulation, as well as for skin rejuvenation. The treatment is suitable for all skin types and can be carried out all year round. It is known through the use of LED masks at home.

The treatment takes between 10 and 20 minutes and should be carried out at least every 1 to 2 weeks, preferably twice a week

The mode of action of LED light therapy varies depending on the device used. Celluma and Healite both use three specific wavelengths - blue, red and near-infrared - but with different effects.

Celluma uses blue light to surface acne bacteria, red light to reduce sebum production and improve collagen and elastin production, and near-infrared light to increase microcirculation, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Healite uses blue light for its antibacterial effects and to improve skin clarity, red light to increase collagen/elastin building and improve skin hydration, and near-infrared light to rejuvenate skin, calm redness and sensitive skin, and promote tissue repair.

Treatment options

LED Light Therapy Treatment Options

LED light therapy can be used to treat a variety of skin problems, including Acne, Rosacea, Hyperpigmentation and Hair loss. The treatment options can vary depending on the device selected. Certain wavelengths also improve the appearance of the skin and have anti-aging properties.

  • The blue light (415 nm) has strong antibacterial properties and provides effective treatment for all types of Acne, without irritation of the skin. An interaction with the P. acne bacteria leads to a photodynamic reaction that leads to the destruction of the bacteria. It also helps reduce sebum production and improve skin clarity.
    • Powerful antibacterial effect
    • Treats all types of acne
    • Helps regulate sebum production
    • Soothing effect on problem skin
  • The red light (633 nm) stimulates the stimulation of collagen in the skin and gives good results of skin rejuvenation and improvement of skin appearance. It also stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system, which eliminates toxins and accelerates healing. The effects after the treatment are visible immediately in most cases; the skin is hydrated, plump and with youthful radiance.
    • Increases collagen and elastin synthesis
    • Reduces fine lines
    • Improves skin tone and texture
    • Increases the natural moisture
    • Improves microcirculation
    • Makes you shine
  • The Near Infrared Light (830 nm with 590 nm photosequencing) together with red light ensures optimal rejuvenation results. It is the deepest absorbed wavelength that targets the inflammatory processes in the cells. This accelerates tissue healing and reduces scarring. NIR has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and gives the skin strength in sensitive conditions such as Acne, Rosacea and Psoriasis. It is also clinically proven in the treatment of hyperpigmentation and supports the delivery of topical products through increased cell permeability.
    • Advanced regenerating treatment
    • Powerful anti-inflammatory effect
    • Reduces redness and irritation
    • Improves pigmentation
    • Helps restore vessels
    • Relieves pain

We were also able to achieve good results in the Hair loss as a single therapy or in combination with other therapies.


LED Light Therapy Procedure

The course of treatment also differs depending on the device used.

At Celluma is analyzed before the treatment, which wavelength is the right one for the patient's skin problem. The therapy should be performed on clean, dry skin and lasts about 25 minutes. After the treatment, suitable care products are presented.

At Healite Depending on the treatment area, the treatment takes place either in a semi-sitting or lying position. The eyes are covered with special glasses if necessary and the skin is thoroughly cleaned. The treatment lasts about 15 minutes and make-up can be reapplied immediately after the treatment.

In both cases, it is recommended to perform a series of treatments to achieve the best results. The exact number and frequency of treatments varies depending on the skin problem and the device used. Certain treatments can also be carried out at home using LED masks.

Frequently asked questions

LED light therapy Frequently asked questions

How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions required for LED light therapy can vary from patient to patient and depends on various factors, including the specific skin condition you wish to treat and the intensity and type of LED therapy used. In general, LED therapy treatments are performed in series and the exact number of sessions is determined on an individual basis. Acne treatment: For acne therapy, several sessions per week for a period of several weeks may be recommended. The exact number depends on the severity of the acne, especially the degree of inflammation. Skin rejuvenation and fine lines: For skin rejuvenation purposes, sessions may be spread out over a longer period of several weeks or months. Regular use can achieve the best results. Wound healing and pain relief: In these cases, sessions may vary depending on need and individual skin response. Some patients experience relief after just a few sessions, while others may require a longer treatment period. An initial effect is usually felt immediately after treatment.

How long should I wait between sessions?

The recommended waiting time between LED sessions may vary depending on the skin condition, skin type and type of treatment. Acne treatment: Generally, acne treatments are performed in series of several sessions spread over a period of weeks. One to two sessions per week is ideal. Skin rejuvenation and fine lines: For skin rejuvenation treatments, sessions may be spread out over a longer period of several weeks or months. The waiting time between sessions can also vary and is determined on an individual basis. One session per week is ideal. Wound healing and pain relief: For rapid improvement, we recommend sessions every two to three days.

How long does it take until I see results?

It is important to note that LED therapy has cumulative effects. This means that the continuity of applications is often crucial in order to achieve optimal results. Patients usually experience an immediate beneficial effect.

Are the results permanent or will I need maintenance treatments in the future?

Regular applications over a longer period of time can achieve better and more long-term results. The frequency of applications and the overall duration of the treatment plan are often determined on an individual basis and are highly dependent on the problem being treated.

Do I need a break from work?

LED therapy does not require time off work. It is a non-invasive treatment that usually has no significant impact on your daily activities. Here are some points to consider: No downtime: LED therapy is non-invasive, and most people can return to their normal activities immediately after treatment. Side effects: In general, the side effects of LED therapy are minimal. There may be some temporary redness, but this usually subsides quickly. Make-up and sun protection: After LED therapy, you can use sunscreen to protect your skin. Ideally, we recommend avoiding direct sunlight shortly after the treatment. Individual skin reaction: Everyone reacts differently to treatments. Slight skin reactions may occur, which are usually temporary.
Further information

Further information

Acne - can I really get rid of it?
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva
What to do about hair loss in men?
Sasa Pavlovic

Further information

Acne - can I really get rid of it?
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva
What to do about hair loss in men?
Sasa Pavlovic