Nail fungus treatment

"Nail fungus is persistent, which is his Treatment difficult and lengthy makes. Conventional medicine provides us with effective local preparations and tablets, ein effective Treatment program must, however, in our view, be supplemented by further measures. These include the regular removal of all infested nail parts, the disinfection of the shoes and Application from special Products for the construction of the Nails. An integral part of every nail fungus treatment is also the use of lasers. With this concept, we achieve cure rates of over 90%." 

Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva, Physician
Dr. med. (I) Ikonija Koceva, Physician
How it works

Nail fungus treatment mode of action

Nail fungus treatment is composed of several processes: 

  • The Laser treatment with a long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser works in the nail and under the nail plate through the heat generated. Treatment with the laser is painless for the patient, takes 10 to 30 minutes and is safe and effective. 
  • A podological treatment is part of the laser treatment, during which the nail is abraded to remove diseased material and expose the healthy parts. 
  • The local and/or systemic application of Medication (antifungals) help stop the spread of infection and reduce the risk of infection. 
  • Regular disinfection of the shoes/socks is important in order to kill the fungal pathogens to prevent reinfection and improve the healing process. We will give you the disinfectant to take home with you. 
  • The General care of the feet/nails can promote faster healing and prevent the spread of infection. We will advise you on products in individual cases. 

Nail fungus treatment procedure

In most cases, nail fungus is a clinical diagnosis; in cases of doubt, a PCR examination arranged. If the findings are confirmed or certain, we will discuss the exact procedure with you individually to suit your situation. If less than half of the nail or less than three nails are affected, local treatment with antifungal agents is often sufficient. A complete treatment program is recommended for more extensive infestations or stubborn infestations. In order to achieve successful results, professional therapy and home care must be consistently combined. 

We always start our treatment program with a podiatric treatmentto grind away diseased parts of the nail. The fungus under the nail plate is then reached with the long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The treatment lasts 10-30 minutes. After the laser application, we will determine the medication and plan your home care with you. You should allow at least 6 months for treatment, as the toenails grow slowly and the healthy nail must have grown out completely. Treatment periods of 2 years or longer are also possible.

Even if the nail fungus removal should not succeed because of special anatomical conditions or already occurred deformations of the nails or because of problematic, therapy-resistant fungi, the treatment is still useful. Untreated, fungal nails become thicker and thicker, press in the shoe and eventually lead to pain and circulatory problems due to the pressure.

Frequently asked questions

Nail fungus treatment Frequently asked questions

How can I recognize nail fungus?

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is characterized by visible changes to the nails. These can lead to a thickening, yellowish, white or brownish discoloration of the nail. It can also include discoloration with irregular edges, crumbling or peeling of the nail and white patches or streaks on the nail surface. Accompanying itching or occasional pain in the area of the nail indicates that the nail bed is already affected.

Is the treatment painful?

The treatment of nail fungus is usually painless. It includes the application of local fungicides in the form of special nail varnishes or creams, the use of oral antifungals in tablet form and, in most cases, treatment using a nail fungus laser (1064nm Nd:YAG). The use of the laser can help to destroy the fungus and revitalize the nail. Pain usually only occurs if the nail is already severely damaged or if an infection has occurred. The exact therapy depends on the severity of the nail fungus. The treating doctor will recommend the best option.

How can I prevent this from happening in future?

To prevent nail fungus in the future, please note the following: - Take good care of your feet and nails, and avoid injuries (tight shoes, nail salon, etc.) - Wear breathable shoes and change socks regularly. - Avoid walking barefoot in public areas and use flip-flops in communal showers. - Cut your nails straight and not too short. - Avoid nail polish if you already have an infection. - At the first sign of an infection, consult a dermatologist immediately.

What happens if I don't get treatment?

If you leave a fungal nail infection untreated, the condition of the nail can worsen. The nail can become thicker, more brittle and deformed, which can lead to pain and discomfort. There is also the possibility of infection in the nail bed area. The more time passes and the nail fungus progresses, the longer the duration of treatment will be. In some cases, the nail may fall off or have to be removed. It is therefore advisable to consult a dermatologist at an early stage in order to receive appropriate treatment and prevent possible complications.
Further information

Further information

Laser treatment of nail deformities - a case report: spontaneous regression of pincer nails during nail fungus laser treatment.
Müller, A. / SZD 5/2020: 13-14
Laser treatment for onychomycosis.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 5/2017

Further information

Laser treatment of nail deformities - a case report: spontaneous regression of pincer nails during nail fungus laser treatment.
Müller, A. / SZD 5/2020: 13-14
Laser treatment for onychomycosis.
Rümmelein, B. / SZD 5/2017