
Pico Dual Focus Toning

Dr. med. C. Bettina Rümmelein September 17, 2019 Read 4 min

Skin rejuvenation is one of the most popular treatments in a practice with an aesthetic focus. There are a variety of procedures for this, some of which are used individually, but mostly in combination. In addition to injections with skin boosters, laser peels, Lasemd, biophotonic light therapy and fractionated laser procedures, our practice in Kilchberg now offers Pico Dual Focus Toning with the new Picosecond laser available.

A laser therapy that has long been offered in our practice for Skin rejuvenation is fractional laser therapy with thermal ablation. Here we use both Erbium- and CO2-Laseras well as Microneedling Radiofreqency, Fractionated radiofrequency and high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).

Some of these procedures carry the risk of so-called postinflammatory hyperpigmentation and therefore cannot be performed in summer. All procedures are more or less painful. Except for HIFU, all procedures involve some downtime (social downtime). Depending on the dosage and technique, one must expect 2-7 days.

Treatment situation with the picosecond laser

Picosecond lasers, which are used especially for the treatment of tattoos, work on the basis of photoacoustic pressure waves. Equipped with fractionated handpieces, this technique can also be used for skin renewal. In this case, tissue defects are induced in the connective tissue below the upper skin layers, so-called "laser induced optical breakdowns" (LIOB). These LIOBs cause neocollagenesis similar to conventional tissue defects caused by classical CO2 or erbium lasers. The upper skin layer, however, is only slightly damaged.

By choosing the parameters, the treatment can be adapted to the skin type.

Therefore, following the laser session, the skin can be covered directly with make-up. In most cases, however, only a slight reddening, minute pinpoint bleeding and minor swelling are visible.

Overall the treatment results in firmer and fresher skin, without the dreaded often feared loss for days. The treatment is fast and extremely painless. It can be used all year round and for all skin skin types. We recommend repeats every 2-4 weeks.