
What is acne? What is cleresca?

donisi May 17, 2019 Read 4 min

Acne is a very common and sometimes very severe disease that can last for years and cause and can cause permanent damage in the form of scars. Kleresca is a new therapy option, which is an alternative to the classic cream or tablet therapy and opens up new possibilities for us dermatologists.

About eight out of ten people have been affected at least once in their lives by Acne affected. The development of acne is believed to be multicausal. Factors such as excessive growth or clogging of follicles and pores, bacteria, and inflammation can be key contributors to the formation of acne. The disease does not always end at the end of the teenage years, but can continue into adulthood.

The biophotonic Cleresca therapywhich uses fluorescent light to act on the skin and initiate various healing processes, has convinced us and - although unfortunately not subject to health insurance coverage - is a fixed component of our range of treatments. After more than 2000 treatments we can say that especially more severe and inflammatory forms of acne can be treated successfully. The situation is always looked at carefully in each individual case and all therapy options are weighed up.

The Kleresca treatment consists of a series of 12 treatments, preferably twice a week. The Kleresca light is a phototherapeutic light generated by an LED lamp with the help of the photoconverter gel. The Kleresca lamp emits wavelengths of 415 and 447 nm. LED light has been firmly established in dermatology for a number of years. The effect of blue light on the porphyrins in Propionibacteria acnes, which can be killed as a result, is well known. The fluorescent light also stimulates a number of biological processes in the skin and activates the repair mechanisms through photobiomodulation.

Let us advise. In May 2016, the House of Skin & Laser Medicine was the first practice in practice in Switzerland to offer Kleresca therapy.